
My dad recently asked me, "What does Mom mean to you?" As I sit here across the ocean from her & think about that question, I struggle for words. How can I put into words what my Mom means to me. There are none. But I'll try my best. 

  • My Mom means strength- She is one of the strongest people I know. Unfailing, always there strength. 
  • My Mom means patience- Don't remember one time that she raised her voice to me. And I was a back-talker!!!
  • My Mom means encouragement- She IS THE MOST encouraging person I know. Always speaking encouraging words, writing encouraging words. Speaking life.
  • My Mom means trust- In very dark, painful experiences, trusting the Lord always has a purpose. I say words to myself that she always said to me, "It'll all be all right!"
  • My Mom means responsibility- Getting up at 4 am year after year to get time with the Lord before all the kids got up. She taught me to take responsibility for my actions. Another one of her quotes I often say to myself is, "I am not responsible for the actions of others, but I am responsible for my response to them."
  • My Mom means sacrifice- This is one of the main things I think of when I think of her & my Dad. She has given up SO many things. How many of you can say that you spent your life raising 16 children?!?! She gave up sleep, time alone, hobbies, friends, food, money, time with Dad & the list is endless.
  • My Mom means passion- Passion for Christ, for my Dad, for her family, for people, just radiates out of her. She never does anything half-way.
  • My Mom means beauty- She taught me what true beauty is- a love for Christ, beauty that comes from inside. She is the perfect example. And she looks pretty awesome on the outside too! 
  • My Mom means support- She supports me in what God has called me to, even though it means being thousands of miles away, her grandkids included. 
  • My Mom means courage- Her life has been an adventure. Never knowing what will be next. I'm sure it sometimes feels like she's lived 1,000 lives without ever leaving her home. It takes courage to be a mother. To adopt 14 children. She did all these things with quiet courage. My mother is the unsung SuperWoman.
  • My Mom means friend- Besides my husband, she has & always will be my best friend. I can tell her anything & we are super close. I am so thankful for that because I realize how rare it is. 
  • My Mom means love- Unconditional, God love. A lot of times it doesn't make sense. Agape, God-love, doesn't usually make sense. When I think of all the nitty-gritty details of our family, the things that are hard to love, I then think about all the things that I probably don't know about. And it makes me even more in awe of her love.

Ladies, as you get older, you always dread the comments- "You are turning into your mother!" Or "You look just like your Mom!" I am so blessed to say that whenever I hear that, (which is very often), my heart swells with love & pride, & I reply, "Why, thank you! She's absolutely amazing!" I love her more than words can say. I miss her so terribly & I wish I could be with her on Mother's Day. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. She is my HERO!


  1. Thanks for sharing, Candy. God bless you and your mom.

  2. That is such a beautiful tribute, Candy! I know the time that I met your mom I thought she was pretty amazing too! :) I love seeing the relationship you share! xo


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