When The Answer is No...

I never thought we would hear the answer no. It's what we planned for. It's what we trained for. It's what we hoped for. It was my husband's dream. It was who we were as a family. When we returned home to the states for furlough last year, we were wiped. We had had a very busy few years in the Philippines building the hangar, importing helicopters and helping to get the helicopter program on our island set up. We were coming back to the states for several months of furlough and for Josh to finish up getting his helicopter license so we could return to the Philippines and fly the flight program on our island. We had already flown a flight program as a family on another island using the airplane and loved it and we looked forward to doing it again with the helicopter. After a few weeks in the states recovering, we traveled to our aviation headquarters for Josh to have an evaluation of where he was at in the helicopter. There had been some concern expressed beforehand...