Pull-My-Hair Out Days

Today has just been one of those days...
I was up all night with Josh as he was running fever, sweating, and going back and forth to the bathroom. We were supposed to have a flight this morning, so my morning started at 5:00 with texting to say that we would have to cancel the flight. My kids got up at their normal time of 6:30 just after I had got back to sleep. I headed to the hospital with Josh as soon as he woke up and the final verdict is amoeba. For those of you who don't know, amoeba is single-celled organism that you ingest by drinking contaminated water or food. We're not sure where he got it.
Elsie, our house-helper, left to go up and visit her family for a few days, so my kids have been out of sorts without her here. I have been out of sorts without her here. I have another lady here to help with the kids, but she isn't as familiar with their routine. When I took Josh to the hospital this morning, I came home to huge messes and crackers smashed all over the floor. Yeah. Just one of those days.
I went to the gym this afternoon to run it all out and started thinking. I was in a bad mood and feeling sorry for myself because of all the unfortunate circumstances of today and I realized- "Who am I thinking about? Me, me, me." One of those- "Wow, am I selfish," moments.
So all this to say, the Lord is still God, still faithful, and the world is still spinning round even though I've had a pull-my-hair day. Thank you, Lord, for being faithful, even when I am not.


  1. We have been praying for your family. Thank you for writing this. I have been having one of those not days but months. Thank you for reminding me its not about me but Jesus and others. Your writing has blessed me.


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